The Broken Promise

Okay, so it’s three weeks into uni and I’m feeling…. Average. I know what you’re thinking “Anton how could you possibly think that’s newsworthy?” Well, hear me out.

Do y’all remember a post I made a couple of weeks ago, which was just a glorified whinge sesh about how sucky it is to be an adult?  Well I’m back here to report on my life three weeks into what I like to call “High school: Boss level”

In this extended amount of time I’ve learnt a couple things;

Firstly you shouldn’t spend all your money on the conveniently placed fast food restaurants and/or university endorsed cafe’s because you’ll become destitute and poor (I don’t know if you know this already, but I’m extremely high maintenance and totally unable to pull off thrift store couture) and secondly don’t go out for drinks before you have Workshops or Tutorials.

This is usually were most people would’ve created a list to help others navigate university life, but TBH my life’s a total utter mess and I have no business advising other people (but check back with me in a couple weeks, who knows? I might finally get my shit together. Stranger things have happened, I mean nobody thought Donald trump would get this far in the U.S. Elections.)

Anyway I should probably get back to the actual point of this post. I hear that going off on tangents is habit-forming and distracting and I ain’t about that life.

Before I started university I made a promise to myself. I promised that my life would change, and whether or not that change was good or bad it wouldn’t stop me from sticking with it. I don’t know what happened but it didn’t take me long to return to my old habits and despite my new approach to higher education and revamped hair style, my life has remained predominantly unchanged. I can admit that although I was probably naïve to think that physical changes would be enough to transform me into who I want to be, I have come to the conclusion that I’ll have to begin by focusing inwards first. So instead of making myself another promise, I’m going to make one to you guys. This time next year, I will not be the same as the person writing this now and you can hold me accountable if that isn’t the case.

Okay that’s enough of that, this isn’t Eat Pray Love.

As always stay cool and SEIZE THE DAY ☀️

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